
MTL 4G bundles are bundles that are available on our 4G platform from April 2022. We bring to you the best and most affordable bundles on the market. Currently, our 4G platform is only available with limited coverage in some parts of Blantyre and Lilongwe cities, but we are working on increasing coverage in phases.
With the new platform comes a new SIM card with a phone number, in addition to an indoor 4G Wi-Fi router for your home. We would like to welcome back our mobile phone numbers, the range 0111 xxx xxx, which are available to you once you subscribe to our 4G service.




  • Unbeatable prices
  • High speed Internet
  • Unlimited downloads off-peak
  • 24/7 customer care
  • Easy online portal to manage your accounts
  • Volume-based bundles to suit different customer needs
  • Different technologies to suit your needs ( 4G )
  • MTL’s Internet will allow you to enjoy the Internet with great value for money allowing you to stay connected all day every day.

For more information please contact our Customer Relations team on customer.relations@mtl.mw.

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