On April 5th, MTL hosted an exciting event at Sunbird Mount Soche to showcase our new Voice Services, Modern Workplace, and Security Solutions from Microsoft. IT specialists from various companies were in attendance to get a first-hand experience of our cloud-based services.
The event featured presentations by our Service Planning and Deployment Manager, Joshua Ngalande, who discussed our VPN, Internet, and IaaS solutions, as well as our Product Development Specialist, Suzgo, who demonstrated our newest innovative product, Cloud PBX.
Attendees were able to ask questions and get answers from our MTL officials on hand. Our Infrastructure as a Service with virtual servers, customized with RAM, processors, and storage, fascinated the audience.
The event was a great success, and we’re grateful to everyone who attended. It was an opportunity for us to show our commitment to helping businesses boost their productivity through the latest technology solutions. We also want to thank Microsoft Live for partnering with us on this event.